Tonight was my seven-year-old’s pick for dinner. Not surprisingly, she chose grilled cheese with pesto. The child loves pesto. Every year when I harvest all the remaining basil from the garden for my pesto-making rampage, I find her sneaking spoonful after spoonful out of the bowl. I’m not talking teaspoonfuls either – big honking serving spoon scoops. Picture streams of green pesto dripping down the sides of her mouth as she looks up at me with one of those wide-eyed “What?” looks. And then she always begs to lick the bowl afterwards as if it were cookie dough I were making. That’s love, man.
*As freakish as I may find her love for pesto, I will admit that it has proved useful for expanding her food repertoire with food chaining. Those of you unaware of food chainings, let me know – its a great technique for picky eaters
Here was tonight’s menu:
Grilled cheese with pesto, tomatoes, capers, and mozzarella
Roasted sweet potatoes and parsnips
Steamed broccoli
Sliced pears and apples