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A Quick Bite » Blog Archive » Ch-ch-ch-ch chia!

Ch-ch-ch-ch chia!

Written by amy on April 3rd, 2012

  For many, the word “chia” brings to mind those novelty planters from the 80’s called Chia Pets. Actually though, chia seeds have been a part of the Central American diet since ancient times.  The edible seed is suddenly a hot topic these days because of its omega- fatty acid content. Similar to flax seeds, chia seeds are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids; however, a few key differences between the two seeds have rapidly elevated chia seeds to numero uno omega-3 superfood, a place long held by flax seeds.  The differences are:

  1. Chia seeds contain more omega 3 fatty acids than flax seed.
  2. The rich antioxidant supply in the chia seed keeps the seed from becoming rancid, unlike flax seeds which need to be refrigerated.
  3. Unlike flax seeds, chia seeds do not need to be ground into a meal to make the nutrients available to the body.

So, yes, the chia seeds may be superior to flax seeds but are they the best source of omega-3 fatty acids?  The answer to that question is no.  Not all omega-3 fatty acids are created .  The type in plant foods, such as chia seeds, does not appear to be as beneficial as the type from animal sources, such as salmon. Bottom line – chia seeds are not a superfood (are there really any superfoods?) They are still a healthy addition to the diet so go ahead and give them a whirl.  I dare you not to sing the song while eating them.

Chia seeds have a mild, nutlike flavor.  They can be sprinkled on cereal, yogurt, smoothies, or salads.  They can be ground and mixed with flour while making baked goods.  When mixed in water, they will form a gel.  This gel can be also be added to a variety of recipes.  Or, make a popular Central American drink, called “chia fresca,” which is a mix of chia seeds, water, lemon or lime juice, and sugar. 


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