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A Quick Bite » Blog Archive » Answering the question, why won’t my child eat vegetables?

Answering the question, why won’t my child eat vegetables?

Written by amy on February 24th, 2010

If you feel you are struggling to get your child to eat vegetables, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Do I dislike vegetables and eat them no more than once a day?
  2. Does my child eat more than one serving of bread or milk at meals while vegetables remain untouched on the plate?
  3. Do I offer dessert as a reward for eating vegetables?
  4. Are vegetables offered less than twice a day?
  5. Do I tell my child how much of their food they have to eat?

Answering yes to any of the above questions may explain part of the problem.  To develop healthy eaters, it is best if parents choose which foods are offered and the child chooses if and how much they will eat.  Consistently offer vegetables throughout the day and let your child see you enjoying vegetables.  Remain as neutral as possible regarding the quantity of food they choose to eat.  When they request a second helping of bread or glass of milk/juice, encourage them to eat their first helping of vegetables if they are still hungry.


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